Content API


Get all live pages


Returns the list of all live pages in basic format which does not include all the fields.

Example of response:

    "meta": {
        "totalCount": 2
    "items": [
            "id": 1,
            "meta": {
            "title": "..."

Get a live page by id


e.g. /api/pages/1/

Returns the details of the page with given id split into meta fields and page fields.

Example of response:

    "id": 5,
    "meta": {

    "title": "...",

Get a live page by path


e.g. /api/pages/with-path/conditions/hernia/

Returns the details of the page with given path split into meta fields and page fields.

The response is exactly the same as the one returned by Get a live page by id.

Example of response:

    "id": 5,
    "meta": {

    "title": "...",

Meta fields

The meta field defines the following metadata:

  1. type: the page type. E.g. pages.EditorialPage
  2. slug: the relative slug value of the page. Note that this does not include the parent path
  3. parent: details of the parent page in basic mode
  4. children: ordered list of live child pages in basic mode
  5. siblings: ordered list of live siblings, including the current page, in basic mode